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New Jersey

Coverage Mandate 1:


Effective Nov. 29, 2001

The mandate to cover medically necessary expenses incurred in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility applies to:
  • All policies, contracts, riders and endorsements delivered, issued, executed or renewed in NJ by health service corporations, hospital service corporations, medical service corporations and health insurance companies for groups other than small employers (meaning over 50 employees) that provide hospital or medical benefits, including pregnancy-related benefits
  • All contracts and evidence of coverage forms issued by HMOs for groups of over 50 employees that include pregnancy-related coverage
  • All group policies in this state for groups over 50 employees that offers hospital or medical benefits, including pregnancy-related benefits
  • N.J. Admin. Code § 11:4-54.1(c)
Infertility means a disease or condition that results in the abnormal function of the reproductive system, as determined pursuant to American Society for Reproductive Medicine practice guidelines by a physician who is Board Certified or Board Eligible in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility or in Obstetrics and Gynecology or any one of the following conditions:
  1. A male is unable to impregnate a female;
  2. A female with a male partner and under 35 years of age is unable to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse;
  3. A female with a male partner and 35 years of age and over is unable to conceive after six months of unprotected sexual intercourse;
  4. A female without a male partner and under 35 years of age who is unable to conceive after 12 failed attempts of intrauterine insemination under medical supervision;
  5. A female without a male partner and over 35 years of age who is unable to conceive after six failed attempts of intrauterine insemination under medical supervision;
  6. Partners are unable to conceive as a result of involuntary medical sterility;
  7. A person is unable to carry a pregnancy to live birth; or
  8. A previous determination of infertility pursuant to this section.

Infertility resulting from voluntary sterilization procedures are excluded from coverage.

Must be less than 46 years of age.

The patient has been unable to obtain successful pregnancy through any less costly infertility treatments covered by insurance.

“Iatrogenic infertility” means an impairment of fertility caused by surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, or other medical treatment affecting reproductive organs or processes.

“Standard fertility preservation services” means procedures consistent with established medical practices and professional guidelines published by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, the American Society of Clinical Oncology, or as defined by the New Jersey Department of Health.

NJ Laws, Chap. 236 and supplementing Title 52 of the Revised Statutes


Scope of Mandate 2:

The policy shall provide coverage which includes, but is not limited to, the following services related to infertility: diagnosis and diagnostic tests; medications; surgery; in vitro fertilization; embryo transfer; artificial insemination (unlimited cycles); gamete intra fallopian transfer; zygote intra fallopian transfer; intracytoplasmic sperm injection; ovulation induction; assisted hatching; and four completed egg retrievals per lifetime of the covered person.
NJ Rev. Stat. §§ 17:48-6x; 17:48A-7w; 17:48E-35.22; 17B:27-46.1x (2017); N.J. Admin Code § 11:4-54.2

Implementing rules do not apply to any insurance policies available to individuals eligible for state medical assistance, including NJ Medicaid, the Children’s Health Care Coverage program, the FamilyCare Health Coverage Program. N.J. Admin. Code § 11:4-54.1(c)

Coverage Cap 3:


Requirements or Limitations on Coverage 4:

Group insurers, HMOs, State Health Benefits Program, and School Employees Health Benefits Program that provide pregnancy related coverage must provide infertility treatment including, but not limited to:
  • artificial insemination;
  • assisted hatching;
  • diagnosis and diagnostic testing;
  • fresh and frozen embryo transfers;
  • 4 completed egg retrievals per lifetime;
  • IVF, including IVF using donor eggs and IVF where the embryo is transferred to a gestational carrier or surrogate;
  • ICSI;
  • GIFT;
  • ZIFT;
  • medications;
  • ovulation induction; and
  • surgery, including microsurgical sperm aspiration; and
  • standard fertility preservation services when a medically necessary treatment may directly or indirectly cause iatrogenic infertility.
The procedures must be performed at facilities that conform with ACOG and ASRM guidelines.

Exemptions 5:

Employers with fewer than 50 employees do not have to provide coverage.

Cryoperservation is not covered except for those at risk of iatrogenic infertility.

Nonmedical costs of egg or sperm donor are not covered.

Infertility treatments that are experimental or investigational are not covered.

Does not include the storage of sperm or oocytes.

Does not require religious employers to cover infertility treatment.

Employers who self-insure are exempt from the requirements of the law.

Fertility Preservation: 


The mandate to provide standard fertility preservation services when a medically necessary treatment may directly or indirectly cause iatrogenic infertility applies to
  • Hospital, medical and health service corporation contracts providing hospital or medical benefits to groups of 50+ persons
  • Every contract purchased by the State Health Benefits Commission
  • Every contract purchased by the School Employees’ Health Benefits Commission
Iatrogenic infertility means an impairment of fertility caused by surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, or other medical treatment affecting reproductive organs or processes.

“Standard fertility preservation services" means procedures consistent with established medical practices and professional guidelines published by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, the American Society of Clinical Oncology, or as defined by the NJ Department of Health. "Standard fertility preservation services" shall not include the storage of sperm or oocytes.

NJ Rev. Stat. §§ 17:48-6rr; 17:48A-7oo; 17:48E-35.42 (2019).



1 Does the state have a coverage mandate, Y/N. Include effective date of the mandate. Specify if the mandate is to “offer” services or to “cover” them.

2Which insurers are required to comply with the mandate. If not applicable, put N/A.

3Is there a cap (annual/lifetime)?

4Does the law impose age restrictions on eligibility for coverage? Does it limit the number of IVF cycles covered (or require at least a certain number of services be covered)? Does it mandate a waiting period? Other limitations? How is “infertility” defined? Is it inclusive (e.g.: does it apply only to married or -opposite sex couples, or is it inclusive?)

5What, if any, exemptions apply to coverage under the mandate? For example: an exemption for small businesses or religious organizations.

Resources For You

The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) is committed to providing patients with the highest quality information about reproductive care.
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Advocacy Resources

ASRM has prepared resources to help you explain and advocate for reproductive rights and the continuation of in vitro fertilization and other fertility treatments.

View the Resouces
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Frequently Asked Questions

ASRM's Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) provides answers to common questions about reproductive health. 

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Patient Journeys

ASRM has resources and publications to help you through each stage of your journey.

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Couple reviews insurance information for reproductive care

State and Territory Infertility Insurance Laws

One way that ASRM works to improve access to fertility care is by advocating for insurance coverage for reproductive medicine care. All patients should have access to the care they need. 

See the Insurance Law Breakdown
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Fact Sheets and Infographics

ASRM produces a series of fact sheets and booklets on various topics related to infertility, reproductive health, and family planning. The fact sheets and booklets are available in English, Spanish, and Chinese.

Read our Fact Sheets
Different women coming together in support of Reproductive rights

Reproductive Rights and You

The Dobbs decision has sparked a litany of changes in state laws across the nation, and more are expected. We need your help!

Fight for Reproductive Rights
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Reproductive Topics

Find all the resources on a specific topic compiled onto a single page. 

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SART Fertility Experts Podcast

An educational project of ASRM's affiliated society, the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART), this series is designed to provide up to date information about a variety of topics related to fertility testing and treatment such as IVF.

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Couple review Reproductive Facts patient videos for fertility information

Patient Education Videos

ASRM and its affiliated society SART have made several videos to explain the sometimes difficult topics related to reproductive medicine.

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Young woman researches reproductive health terminology

Terms and Definitions

Find explanations for the meaning behind the doctor-speak you hear when trying to research reproductive medicine topics. ASRM has defined the most popular terms in easy to understand language.

Know your Medical Terms
Young family after sharing their patient story about reproductive care

Patient Stories

Read real-life stories from patients who have faced reproductive medicine challenges and come out stronger on the other side.

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Fertility in the News

ASRM Press Releases and Bulletins are published by ASRM's Office of Public Affairs to inform the world about important happenings in reproductive medicine and at ASRM.

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